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Projecting Holographic Masks onto Real Faces

Hey Hololens community,

Would anyone be able to offer some beginner advice on this project?

I'd like to take a 3D model 'mask' that I've made of someone's face, and turn that into a hologram that I can then superimpose on the person's face. My aim is to use what I project onto their face as a template to inform a drawing that I will make on this person's face. The mask doesn't need to follow the person as they move, it just needs to be stationary on their face when they are still. To confirm, the mask I made includes a 3D model of the person's face, with some additional colors and symbols that I've added to the skin. I want to project those colors and symbols back onto this person's face as an AR hologram.




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    @HTheDream You need to grab frames from HoloLens camera (search for LocatableCamera & Unity WebCamTexture on this forum), then use a face recognition library to detect faces within the frame (look at OpenCV face recognition examples). Once you can detect faces within a frame, you can super-impose 3D objects on top of them. You can also think whether other people would also wear HoloLenses, in which case you can look at Sharing Holograms tutorial which shows avatars floating in space based on positions of every HoloLens in the room.


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    @ContextVR Thank you for this very helpful answer! Do you know if there are limitations to the types of objects I can super-impose on to a face? Do they have to be .fbx files, for example?

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