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Opening outside application from hololens app

Is it possible to open, run, and utilize text output from an outside program from hololens? If I had my hololens on the same wireless network as a computer, is there a way to run a commandline program on the computer from the hololens?

I was initially writing scripts in Visual Studio using System.Diagnostics to start a new Process, but I keep getting an error when trying to build in Unity-- "The type or namespace name 'Process' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" I am inside the System.Diagnostics namespace when using the Process code. I don't have any errors in visual studio, only in unity.

Thanks so much!

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    edited August 2016

    In Unity, you just need to wrap that code in a

    ' #if WINDOWS_UWP '

    ' #endif '

    and then you shouldn't have any issues with Unity, as unity will ignore that code

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    @Jesse_McCulloch I tried wrapping just the process declaration and instantiation in that, but then the other calls to it couldn't see it. When I wrapped all of the code involving the process, I continued getting the same error :/

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