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Smeared/Oiled Lenses

The lenses look like they have fine lines of oil on them smeared. I find that I get smoother edges if I turn my head sideways, and I get aliased edges when I look level.

Anyone else have this issue? Do I need new lenses?


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    Depends on what you seeing. If you are talking about physical oil on the outer housing, then yes the lens wipes above will help. If you are talking about what looks like an oil residue or sheen when you look through the device, which manifests itself like a orangish discoloration of your holograms, then that 'may' be normal with this tech. I see the same thing on my unit, with my left screen being noticeably worst that the right. Is this what you are seeing? Does it effect the edges of the field of field or over the entire lens?
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    @kiomon : Yes It may be normal. I still get ghosting (Green and blue ghost images) of the hologram below it, and I feel like the material used as the projection screen is coated unevenly, thus us seeing the discoloration and ghosting?

    Over time I've gotten more used to it and notice it less, but at first it was very pronounced. I'm hoping this will be something that's refined in the consumer version. Overall the unit is impressive.

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