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Geometry Shaders

Are geometry shaders available on HoloLens?

Having seen spatial mapping effects in Fragments and Young Conker, I am assuming geometry shaders are available on HoloLens, but I wanted to confirm.

Has anyone played with geometry shaders on HoloLens?

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    Alex480Alex480 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sure, in the example below I split regular vertex stream for one for each eye so a single render call is needed. The idea is the same as rendering reflection cube maps or shadow maps where the same geometry needs to be rendered many times from different views. I can't think of any external link right now but there should be many examples on that out there.

    The mStereoView[2], and mStereoViewProjection[2] are part of the constant buffer and hold the left and right eye matrices.

    It is also important to add the required field to the PS input struct:
    uint nRTIndex : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;

    The spatial mapping shader is almost the same, but I add hard-coded bary coordinates in it to reduce the input size (specialized shader so it could be optimized - the one below is a generic one).

    // --- Geometry shader
    void GS(triangle GSMaterialInput input[3], inout TriangleStream<PSMaterialInput> StereoStream)
        // --- For each eye create a new triangle
        for (int nEye = 0; nEye < 2; nEye++)
            // ---
            PSMaterialInput output = (PSMaterialInput)0;
            // --- Assign triangle to the RT corresponding to this eye
            output.nRTIndex = nEye;
            // --- For each vertex of the triangle
            for (int nVertex = 0; nVertex < 3; nVertex++)
                // --- Transform position
                output.vPosition    = mul(input[nVertex].vPosition, mStereoViewProjection[nEye]);
                output.vView        = mul(input[nVertex].vPosition, mStereoView[nEye]);
                output.vWorld       = input[nVertex].vPosition;
                // --- Normal
                output.vNormal      = input[nVertex].vNormal;
                // --- Tangent and bitangent
                output.vTangent     = input[nVertex].vTangent;
                output.vBitangent   = input[nVertex].vBitangent;
                // --- Pass texture coordinates
                output.vTexCoord    = input[nVertex].vTexCoord;
                // ---
            // --- New triangle


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    Yes they are. In fact quite useful to split the vertex data for stereo rendering and other things like the spatial mapping visualization and so on.

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    @Alex480 said:
    Yes they are. In fact quite useful to split the vertex data for stereo rendering and other things like the spatial mapping visualization and so on.

    Mind sharing any of these resources or pointing to where they might be located?

    Stephen Hodgson
    Microsoft HoloLens Agency Readiness Program
    Virtual Solutions Developer at Saab
    HoloToolkit-Unity Moderator

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    Alex480Alex480 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Sure, in the example below I split regular vertex stream for one for each eye so a single render call is needed. The idea is the same as rendering reflection cube maps or shadow maps where the same geometry needs to be rendered many times from different views. I can't think of any external link right now but there should be many examples on that out there.

    The mStereoView[2], and mStereoViewProjection[2] are part of the constant buffer and hold the left and right eye matrices.

    It is also important to add the required field to the PS input struct:
    uint nRTIndex : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;

    The spatial mapping shader is almost the same, but I add hard-coded bary coordinates in it to reduce the input size (specialized shader so it could be optimized - the one below is a generic one).

    // --- Geometry shader
    void GS(triangle GSMaterialInput input[3], inout TriangleStream<PSMaterialInput> StereoStream)
        // --- For each eye create a new triangle
        for (int nEye = 0; nEye < 2; nEye++)
            // ---
            PSMaterialInput output = (PSMaterialInput)0;
            // --- Assign triangle to the RT corresponding to this eye
            output.nRTIndex = nEye;
            // --- For each vertex of the triangle
            for (int nVertex = 0; nVertex < 3; nVertex++)
                // --- Transform position
                output.vPosition    = mul(input[nVertex].vPosition, mStereoViewProjection[nEye]);
                output.vView        = mul(input[nVertex].vPosition, mStereoView[nEye]);
                output.vWorld       = input[nVertex].vPosition;
                // --- Normal
                output.vNormal      = input[nVertex].vNormal;
                // --- Tangent and bitangent
                output.vTangent     = input[nVertex].vTangent;
                output.vBitangent   = input[nVertex].vBitangent;
                // --- Pass texture coordinates
                output.vTexCoord    = input[nVertex].vTexCoord;
                // ---
            // --- New triangle
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    @Alex480 Thanks this is good news.

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