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Model is good in Unity, but broken in Visual Studio (no errors)

edited September 2016 in Questions And Answers

Hi everybody, we have a problem with our 3D model not moving into Visual Studio properly.
The model looks fine in Unity (I have no images from Unity but this is what it looks like)

But once we import it into Visual Studio, the model seems to break near the center and the edges.

To describe it with a terrible MS Paint image, there are 2 components to our book model; the static book, and the dynamic pages that can actually turn. It's as if one of the bones in the model is no longer counted, and it's forced to "average out" to complete the build. Does anybody have any idea of what could be causing this problem? We have no errors or warnings coming up, so we don't know where to begin.


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    sptspt ✭✭
    edited September 2016 Answer ✓

    The problem is (most likely) the shaders being used.

    The pictures you show from the emulator do look like the shaders being used there are lower quality.

    There are settings that decide the quality. If it is set to "fastest" this will make the quality of rendering worse.

    Remember however that hololens is not as fast as a desktop computer with one of those gigantic power sucking video cards. So framerate may drop dramatically if you change the setting.

    Also, I think it is possible that the type of shaders being used aren't present on the hololens. You can fix this by writing your own shaders. But I suspect modifying the model would be easier for you.


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    What type of asset file is it?

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    @cyris90 said:
    What type of asset file is it?

    Both are basic fbx files, here it is in Unity with everything looking alright.
    We can't understand the difference that may exist between the two files that could cause this error. Here's some pictures in Unity and then the Emulator:

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    edited September 2016

    Here is more stripped version of our model

    Left side is how it looks in Unity (or any other FBX viewer) and right side is how it looked in Emualtor

    May be, we need to increase density of triangles to make it looks more curved?

    1.png 8.1K
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    sptspt ✭✭
    edited September 2016 Answer ✓

    The problem is (most likely) the shaders being used.

    The pictures you show from the emulator do look like the shaders being used there are lower quality.

    There are settings that decide the quality. If it is set to "fastest" this will make the quality of rendering worse.

    Remember however that hololens is not as fast as a desktop computer with one of those gigantic power sucking video cards. So framerate may drop dramatically if you change the setting.

    Also, I think it is possible that the type of shaders being used aren't present on the hololens. You can fix this by writing your own shaders. But I suspect modifying the model would be easier for you.

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