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Does Hololens has GPS/GNSS module inside?

Does Hololens has GPS/GNSS hardware module inside?
If yes, anyone knows the details model?
If not, how does Hololens do the positon fix function ,using sensor or realtime graphic processing position method?


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    No. It has no such sensors. Which makes sense: the device is meant to be used indoors and there the GPS reception is poor.

    It does all its positioning by use of the 4 gray scale camera's. The data is processed by the HPU and the coordinates, movements and so on resulting from that are given to the CPU.

    In practice this means the tracking is really, really fast and accurate, but does require enough light to work. It works in the twilight of the evening but it will not work reliably late at night with all the lights out.

    Dennis Vroegop
    Emerging Experiences MVP

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    Hi, You can however use IP locational services to assist if you working on mapping.

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    Actually, the HL does do well in some outdoor situations, but more to the point, GPS, even rough estimates, can help A LOT when picking datasets. Esp if you use a hotspot/tether or access like Comcast or such, which have many same-named access points. I think no GPS sensor is a shame. Not that expensive to have included.

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    GPS would have killed the battery faster. I think it was a good decision to leave it out on the initial release, and add it back in when they've refined the device more.

    In the meantime, I've used the below for fairly accurate results.

    @oodell said:
    Hi, You can however use IP locational services to assist if you working on mapping.

    Stephen Hodgson
    Microsoft HoloLens Agency Readiness Program
    Virtual Solutions Developer at Saab
    HoloToolkit-Unity Moderator

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    It definitely needs GPS. This is one one of the letdowns that could have opened a whole class of outdoor applications. GPS plus head direction tracking with head locked holograms could be huge. But no. Not everything needs holograms locked to scene surfaces. So we're pretty much stuck inside. :-(

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    IP location is almost worthless.

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    Wrote an article using BLE GPS on Android to Hololens:


    Let me know if it helps anyone out.

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