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Implement Rotation and Movement in one Recognizer

How can I implement rotation and movement in one recognizer, if I do not like designing two recognizers and transfer between them by voice commands?

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    This is not a new UX problem - the same is true in 2D. 2D editors have typically done it by providing "handles" for rotation to trigger only rotation of the 2D object. That's a pretty cumbersome UX though for natural manipulation.

    For a more natural approach, you can get inspiration from multi-touch screens where a single finger drag/drop does translation while two finger drag/drop can do both 2D translation and 2D rotation at the same time.

    Doing similarly in 3D would let you do translation and rotation more naturally: single handed tap and move would translate in 3D, double handed tap and move would translate in 3D, plus rotate in 3D as the hands moved relative to each other. [You could enable concurrent 3D zoom as well].

    If you want to see an example of this, check out the "Tower Blocks" app in the Store that uses something like this already - lets you move and rotate blocks to stack them into a tower.

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