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Shaking Holograms

When I am trying to view holograms from nearby or I will stand inside a hologram they will be shaking a lot. I have tried using multiple models but the result is still the same. I have a Collider attached on the model, but not on the camera. Is there a good solution for this problem?



  • Options

    @jece check your frame rate.

    Be sure that your HoloLens device has a good spatial map established for the room you are using it in and that the lighting and other conditions are allowing the lens to stably maintain its location in the room.

    You might also look into Spatial Anchors and setting the Focal Point to improve the stability of the experience?

    Lastly consider that the design guidance points out that viewing holograms closer that 1m will typically be a less than optimal experience.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

    WinHUGR.org - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @WinHUGR
    WinHUGR YouTube Channel -- live streamed meetings

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