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Save a string to a text or cvs file on HoloLens

Hi everyone
I am new to programming and HoloLens development, and I am recently working on an application that requires me to store information in a text, cvs, or xml files on the HoloLens.
I am still looking into Serialization stuff in Unity (since I don't need the read function right now), so I tried to go for an easy path that is to store the data as txt format.
I am able to write a line to the console through Debug.Log (I wrote a function that will return a string) and I what I am trying to do now is to write the line into a txt file. So I guess the two questions I have are:

  1. What is the file path on the HoloLens, am I be able to create a save information to a txt file on HoloLens? And if possible, could someone give me an example how to store it?

  2. Could this file be opened through the whole process? I don't need to modify the file, I just need to add a new line to the file whenever I tap on the button in the application.

Thanks a lot


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    Maybe this post will help get you started.

    Windows Holographic User Group Redmond

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    JasonJason ✭✭
    edited December 2016

    I'm looking to do the same however whenever the user gazes at an object, I would like timestamps to be created within an Excel or CSV file for when the person gazes at the object and then looks away from the object.

    1. OnGazeEnter - timestamp enter time within the spreadsheet yyyy-mm-dd h:mm am/pm

    2. OnGazeLeave - timestamp exit time within the spreadsheet yyyy-mm-dd h:mm am/pm.


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    I kind of figured it out through some articles and trial and errors. Here is the code I have, the code will write the file to "User Files\LocalAppData[APP name]\LocalState"

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using Windows.Storage;
    using Windows.System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Windows.Storage.Streams;
    public class countIcons : MonoBehaviour
        //define filePath
        Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataContainer localSettings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings;
        Windows.Storage.StorageFolder localFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;
        //private string saved line;
        private string saveInformation = "";
        private static string timeStamp = System.DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "");
        private static string fileName = timeStamp + ".txt";
        //private save counter
        private static bool firstSave = true;
        //Hashtable declaration
        private static Dictionary<string, IconProperty> iconCollection = new Dictionary<string, IconProperty>();
        async void WriteData()
            if (firstSave){
            StorageFile sampleFile = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.ReplaceExisting);
            await FileIO.AppendTextAsync(sampleFile, saveInformation + "\r\n");
            firstSave = false;
            StorageFile sampleFile = await localFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
            await FileIO.AppendTextAsync(sampleFile, saveInformation + "\r\n");
        public void addToCounter(string iconName, IconProperty iconproperty)
            iconCollection[iconName] = iconproperty;
            saveInformation = iconCollection[iconName].iconPropertyOutput(iconName);
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    @Cozywolf Thank you very much for sharing your code, that's very helpful. Cheers!
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    edited February 2017


    Hi Cozywolf

    Thank you for sharing your code. Does this code works in a master build too?

    edit: actually I try to run it on a master build in a modified way and get errors. (only on master build....) does someone knows what I m doing wrong?

    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Linq;
    using Windows.Storage;
    using Windows.System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    public class FileWriter : ILogService
        //define filePath
        StorageFolder storageFolder =
            Windows.Storage.StorageFile sampleFile;
        //private string saved line;
            string saveInformation = "";
        private static
            string timeStamp = DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace("/", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(" ", "");
        private static
            string fileName = timeStamp + ".txt";
        //private save counter
        private static
            bool firstSave = true;
        //Hashtable declaration
            void WriteData
            if (firstSave)
                sampleFile =
                    await storageFolder.CreateFileAsync(fileName,
                await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(sampleFile, saveInformation + "\r\n");
                firstSave = false;
                await FileIO.AppendTextAsync(sampleFile, saveInformation + "\r\n");
            void Write
            // Debug.Log(text);
            saveInformation = text;
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